would that be causeing my squeezing pressure i get in my upper left abdomen?...
I took this picture to show ppl where i get my pressure at. I have this all day and is worst after eating. I have no insurance so im stuck trying to diagnose it myself right now. In the picture,...
I have A constant squeezing pressure in my upper left abdomen, right under the left rib cage where my stomach would be. This squeezing pressure is worst after i eat, and After I eat or drink. The...
I been diagnosed with Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer last year. I think GERD would be a cause. I dont feel any burning sensation in my chest. Howerver I did realize that when I wake up my pressure starts...
Panic and anxiety disorders. I dont have insurance anymore....
I have chest pressure in the middle to left chest. I always have it and it varies through out the day. I been having this for the past 5 months. I been to the ER twice and EKG and Chest Xray were...