Thanks heaps all !! Denise you are SPOT on !! I got the device pulled out this morning and I was so glad to see that go and be able to go home and have a shower !! Now I have to wait 4 weeks to get...
Thanks for the reply, how "Murphy's Law" I have had all my symptoms daily for months and months and months then the day I have a device to monitor it all - I get the best day I have had in a long...
sorry, should add that when I had the camera down the throat that my L.E.S. was "wide open" but in the manometry test today they said it was acting reasonably well - it was opening and closing...
Hey all Well the day for my manometry and 24hr PH study is here, had the manometry test (My lord that was horrible), anyway now have the 24hr probe machine all hooked up - that is not that much...
Thanks heaps guys, all sounds good ! Be good to hear from anyone who had reflux or regurgitation or even heaps of nausea and if the surgery made that all go away too - if the answer is yes I am...
Hey Guys + Gals Well sitting here with 4 pillows behind me in bed after suffering another uncomfortable day and wondering a few things.... For those of you who have had the nissen fundoplication...
I agree - I also get heaps of gut sort of aches and pain's from time to time, I can feel when my stomach is empty and it is worse then ! Glad I don't have any of the lung issues - well yet anyway !...
I might have to ask about those Joy, never heard of them before I had to google it. You guys get anxious with it, it makes you that way cause every moment you are trying to deal with some symptom -...
Thanks SO MUCH Denise ! That's exactly what I think, even if they can get me on a PPI that helps it is only going to help with the acid burn not the reflux, nausea, burping, pressure behind the ribs...
Well I am so glad that you did Joy - like yourself I am pretty much in the same boat ! Nobody really knew what was wrong with me, my doctor just did the trial and error method kept giving me scripts...
Weird hey, I have not had it all the time only for the past year I would say - sometimes some bloating and gassy too - but I increased my fibre intake etc and that seems to have kept things a little...
Thanks HEAPS once again everyone, god you don't know much it helps to have others with the same thing say - yes I have that and I have been told I have acid reflux too. The specialist thinks it is...
Thanks so much Alcie, so by all accounts yes it is Acid Reflux that I have I guess ! I don't want any surgery - but in saying that I don't want to take drugs that might (Yet haven't in my case) help...
Thanks for the reply ! Is it common enough that I get more of a regurgitation/reflux (Upward feeling in throat) and nausea with an acid burn in the back of my throat - rather than just the heartburn...
Not sure about the ginger tea but Fennel Tea is amazing for me ! Just buy the seeds from a healthfood type shop and a tea strainer and give that a go, amazing stuff. Other than than a good probiotic...
Hi All, I just wanted to ask a couple of questions if I may about my case of Acid Reflux. Long story short for the past year I have been having digestion issues as I call them, nausea, reflux or...