I'm sorry for your suffering. I've had gastritis and know how bad it can make one feel! I know people who have taken PPIs for years with no ill effects. I actually took Prilosec for two months about...
Thanks for the input. I haven't really ruled out anything at this point I'm just not sure about any of the options. I wouldn't mind going through the surgery even if it meant only a few years relief....
Nancy, I have considered surgery but my doctor advises against it. He says that 40 to 60 percent of those who have had surgery are back on medication within two years. There are aslo some new...
Ides, Thanks for the input. I'm currently on Zantac which also has side effects but not nearly as severe as those from the PPIs. The trouble with Zantac is that it wears off in about eight hours and...
I have experienced some increased belching while on Prilosec. However, lower gas is a much bigger problem for me. Every time I stop the PPIs for awhile the gas subsides as do the other side effects....
Hi, I've suffered from GERD all my life and also have questioned the safety of long term use of PPIs. I recently came across this web page that confirms what my doctor told me: that long term use...
Hi Everyone, I have suffered from heartburn all my life. Over the years I had good results with H2 blockers and PPIs. About six months ago I was diagnosed with Barretts Esophagus and was told to...