I most definately will thank you...
no ulcers no nothing just irritation maybe this will calm me down especially if the biopsy comes back negative...
back from test dr says slight irritation took some pieces for biopsy says to continue with dexilent so maybe i was so worried that something bad was happening i just let fear take over.maybe it is...
Thank You for the positive upside hopefully after this test it will ease my mind i guess it is better to have gerd than something with the heart.Once again thank you....
I was dizzy before taking ompresole i have endoscopy fri.This is very hard to deal with.Ihave lost 15 pounds in 1 month what i dont understand is why after 40 years bam big problem no lead up to it...
I am new to this but i have read alot of threads over the last month Ihurt so bad in my chest i feel like i am having a heart attack.Iknow it is not my heart had all tests done including left heart...
I was on omeprazole for about 1 month did not change anything went to dr tuesday and he changed it.To me this really scares me and i always think the worst.but it seems i only make it worse. I try to...