I had my fundo two months ago and did not have this problem before I got it done....
Hey guys I am 2 months post find and I get nausea after meals not always but quite often any ideas what is going on?...
I have the same thing going on my whole tongue is white and coated. It looks gross I had a Nissen done about a month ago and I still have it so hopefully it goes away soon. You are not alone on this...
I hated the PH probe I had a tube stuck up my nose for 24 hours. It was like the manometry only thinner. It made me gag every time I tried to talk so it was annoying not painful. This is the other...
Ty joy this is so nervewracking not knowing what your body is doing...
Maybe the less activity and alot less food may be an explanation for the lightheadedness what do u guys think...
Yeah I hope so I had a chest xray last week and it was clear it just sucks this just popping up like this. As for the PPI's i have been on them forever so I can rule them out....
Ty Denise I am 3 weeks post op so I am hoping this stops. Do u think it is normal this far out? I am hoping I did the right thing by getting the Nissen done....
Ok guys this is weird I am still getting shortness of breath and when I stand up I get light headed? Has anybody dealt with this before I haven't ever had this happen is it related to my Nissen or...
Sounds good ty for the help....
I am already 3 weeks post op do 2 more?...
Any idea how long it will take to go away since I had ny Nissen done?...
Ok I am 20 days post op and the shortness of breath is getting worse. I have been a little bit ahead with my diet got some stuff stuck and I am having caffeine (was told not until after 9 weeks). Am...
I'm going through the hard to breath stuff as well. I am a very active person run swim and lift weights until about a year ago I just had the surgery done and have been told it will get better (...
Thanks for the reply Couch you are like the Gerd info Yoda!...
One more question when all my gerd stuff started I developed a white tongue as well. No it is not thrush since I know the first post will suggest it. I was just wondering if the acid getting all the...
Denise Thanks for the reply I am so glad for the replies I have felt like I was in this all by myself but I luckily stumbled on this forum and see there are many more in the "wrapped club" so that is...
Dencha TY for the reply. I have not been on any inhalers or steroids because my Dr's seemed to think there is no relation between reflux and shortness of breath so I have just been dealing with it....
How long did it take for him to start getting relief? I have the same thing and am 2 weeks post op and I hope I can get back to my old self....
Hi I am new here but I had the Nissen fundoplication 12 days ago and was wondering how long it will take to get rid of the shortness of breath. I have had reflux for about 12 years and have been on...