about 7 years ago, I started having problems with shortness of breath so I went to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack or something. Well, my heart was fine but they determined that my...
Hello everyone! I had my Nissan done almost a year ago. The surgery went well but lately I've had quite a few bouts of reflux. It starts almost immediately after my PPI wears off. It's a little...
Hello - I had a hiatel hernia also that ended up being 3/4 of my stomach. I was experiencing pain in my chest by the breast bone. I was having troubles eating because it felt like my stomach was...
I love this particular side effect. I had the surgery relatively fast. I've had a hiatel hernia for years but in January a CT scan showed it was a paraesphageal hernia. After tons of testing, I had...
/community/emoticons/turn.gif Hello everyone! I had my Lap Nissen done 11 weeks ago today. I'm feeling so much better. It was rough at first but I'm able to eat anything I want. I was able to drink...
My lung doctor believes it's just post operative pain and he wants me to follow up with the surgeon. My lungs look so much better compared to the xray taken on July 30th. That xray showed about half...
Hello everyone. I had a Nissen fundoplication done on July 27th. I had a very large hiatel hernia. It's estimated that 3/4 of my stomach was above my diaphragm. Surgery went well but on the second...