Thankyou very much Cme your kind words are really appreciated thank you ade.I pray every night and also askMy sister who is in heaven to make mum better....
My Mum is getting reffered to her Consultant Oesophago-Gastric surgeon at the Royal Victoria infirmary Hospital ,He or a member of His team should no exactyly what is going on and what they can do...
Hello Cme, Shes still bringing up mucus with these tablets this is the first day.The doctor isnt worried about her drinking tea he said it could be the volume too much.She ate her tea tonight but...
My mum since the gastrectomy will not go back to hospital Denise, she had enough and wants treatment by her Gp.The doctor has given her Metoclopramide 3 tablets per day, she took one this morning and...
Her nose seems to run as if she has a cold she has no sore throat Denise,since the stomach was removed eggs are poison to her they make her very ill so she cannot eat eggs which is a shame.All day...
Its very diffiult david knowing what to give her she loves tea but is like poison too her, she has no appetite the doctor has said to try little meals and often but to get an appetite she needs to...
My mum was 82 and had a Laproscopic gastrectomy in 2009 for stomach cancer, before that she had the scope just numbing her throat she stayed awake the results were a small blemish in the stomach...
Thank you very much Ashley for all that great info it is sokind of you and I will try anything once if itwill help all the best to you.It shows there are many helpfull people in this world still....
Thank you Ashleyrose for your reply ,She was having pain and since taking the Gaviscon she does not get it very often now.She has very little appetite the doctor has said on Friday to try and eat...
My Mum had stomach cancer in 2009 she had a laproscopic Gastrectomy, at the time she was also diagnosed with a Hiatus Hernia this last fortnight it has been troubling Her. The GP has given her...