Hi sk55, I should have mentioned in my post that I take omeprazole 40 mg/day, but that it is in two tablets... one 20 mg in the morning and one 20 mg in the evening. I don't know, maybe that's not...
Hello all, A little history - I have been diagnosed with GERD and have had it for years. Originally I took prevacid but a few years ago I was switched to omeprazole (losec). The prevacid worked well...
Hi Denise, Amazingly, I have the audiobook "The Power of Now" as well as another audiobook of Tolle's called "A New Earth". It is hard for me to comprehend a lot of it... I have to listen to them...
Thank you Denise and thank you petunia22. Denise, yes I would like to visit my GI doc and let him decide a course of action for me rather than my family doc simply ordering up some tests. I am still...
Azgringo, Thanks so much for your post. I read the article provided by your link and it was really interesting. I am going to print this off and show it to either my family doctor or GI specialist...
Thanks. I would prefer to talk all of this over with the GI specialist prior to any tests. He is the man that should know all about this area. However, being in Canada it will probably take a few...
Thank you so much for your response, Joy. I will pose this question to you and others as well. Why wouldn't my family doctor refer me to a GI specialist first and let him/her decide (after meeting...
Hi all, I am a mid-50's male and have been taking a PPI for more years than I can remember for acid reflux. I started out on something I can't remember, then switched to Prevacid and now I am on...