Thanks Kitt!!!...
Hi all, I am grateful for my progress. It seems I am having (I really do not know the right words to use) an unusually successful recovery. It does not have anything to do with my age. I am 68. I...
Thanks for all the replies. I made lasagna, yesterday with ground beef and it went down just fine. The meat my surgeon cautioned me about is chicken. I went by Red Lobster on the way home, Friday,...
I went back to my surgeon, yesterday. I got a great report. He told me I could use ground beef in spaghetti sauce, start eating steak and bread in 2 weeks and in 6 to 8 weeks after my surgery I will...
Sandi, Thanks so much. This is so helpful and encouraging. The mistake I made was to go to the internet before my surgery and read these food lists from a medical doctor's site. This food list is...
Also, the full liquid diet is misleading since you can eat soft foods as well. Charity...
kyheart I have been thinking along these lines. Does that include meats as well? My surgeon put me right on the full liquid diet instead of starting out on clear liquids. I have been eating peas,...
Thanks so much for your reply. I will call my diabetes doctor tomorrow....
I am 6 days post Nissen and am type 2 diabetic. Having trouble finding a full liquid diet for diabetics. Can someone suggest a site?...