@oelkesm - I take a the probiotics 3-4 times per week and the grapefruit seed extract (GSE) daily, I also take a Now brand Super Enzyme pill with each high protein meal. The GSE and the Enzyme /...
Has anyone tried high levels of Magnesium Malate, or similar? It has really helped my symptoms. I think my Fibromyalgia symptoms were caused by Small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndrome and low...
@BC: Your symptoms sound very similar to some I use to have. Do you also sometimes feel full when you shouldn't, as if your food isn't getting digested? Do you ever get heartburn or GERD? The blood...
I had all of these symptoms, as well as very bad diarrhea, food staying in my stomach way too long, constant GERD, leaky gut syndrome, constant lower stomach pain (to the point where I couldn't bend...
@rockybudgeboa - Can you describe all of your symptoms and provide more detail? Do you feel full all the time? Do you have any IBS /Crohn's / frequent diarrhea? Does your neck / back pain seem to get...
The drugs you've on stop stomach acid production. This will give temporarily relief of your GERD symptoms, but often times cause even more problems, and a return of GERD symptoms. Read my other posts...
@bossbrew - Your symptoms are very similar to what mine were, I also had heart palpitations and was put on a wearable monitor for 3 days. The results were normal. Try reading what I wrote in the...
@thefluxbadger - I first started taking the anti-candida formulas (mentioned above) for one week, these also take care of any SIBO and other micro-organisms; while also taking 40-50 billion active...
@theacidrefluxman - the standard disclaimers apply.... I'm no doctor. But since your doctors have had already told you to "relax"... I would get severe pain and often colon spasms from many food,...
I've always liked my GP's too, and my GI. Great guys that really did want to help. I also don't think they get any kickbacks (or other compensation) from drug companies. But that's all they know, how...
I myself did see a GI, three times in fact. First a colonoscopy to diagnose all of the diarrhea / IBS, they found nothing. Then a endoscope for the GERD and constant lower stomach pain (I could not...
I've cut way back on the anti-Candida meds. As soon as I run out I'll just rely on the Grapefruit Seed Extract 3-4 times per week. I'll keep taking the probiotics because they're good for me anyway....
I think if you can still handle the jalapenos you can probably handle the HCl. I had a very bad reaction to a few jalapenos and some tequila (sounds like the start of a joke) a few months before I...
Yes, I had the same problems with the probiotics and had quit taking them before. When you add probiotics you end up killing off bad bacteria, this is called a herxheimer reaction , this releases...
The low carb diet is to starve any microorganisms, its part of any anti-candida program and is often suggested for "dysbiosis". Most of the anti-candida formulas can't keep up unless carbs are also...
@sunbeam48 - I'm not a doctor but you probably want to avoid HCl. You should probably still make sure you have no "dysbiosis" or candida. Probiotics are also important, to both fight the bad...
@theacidrefluxman I too used l-glutamine, I think it helped but I don't think its necessary @sunbeam48 I also had gastritis. The anti-Candida formula took care of that for me (I used "Now Foods...
Has anyone else tried OTC treatments for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) / Candida, followed by stomach acid replacement (HCl) and digestive enzymes to treat (and cure) GERD? This worked...
I would say that if you suspect you have Candida then you should try Candida Clear and Grapefruit Seed Extract (I take the Nutribiotic - Gse Liquid Concentrate liquid); even if you don't have Candida...
I also workout and had to stop due to GERD. As I mention in the thread titled "anyone tried betaine HCl?" I have fixed my GERD problems completely and now workout regularly again. The one thing I...
I didn't try ACV, but you are correct that its the same concept. However, ACV doesn't contain all of the enzymes, the Now Super Enzymes has 11 active ingredients other than Betaine HCl. I just take a...
YES! It has worked great for me! You definitely should give it a try. My GERD is completely under control and I quit all PPI's. I pretty much eat normally now (though I do cut back on really spicy...
PPI's reduce stomach acid to almost nothing, many of your minerals don't get digested and absorbed properly. Low stomach acid can also lead to other conditions which then disrupt and/or cause...