Ellen C I too have the same problem with belching and gas only one week after surgery....and also now pain again in my right shoulder and breast bone....It is so uncomfortable but I have been told...
Jenagade, I hope you find some permanent relief soon...lot to go thru and I can totally relate.....I am not crazy about the belching after ingesting food and liquid, and all the gas! Hopefully this...
Oh I hope that you get some relief soon...I too had esophagitis dyspahgea, GERD, and two hernias, one Hiatal and the other one Umbilical! I know I was a good canditate for this surgery!...
Hi Everyone Thank you for posting your experiences. I had Nissen Fundiplication Surgery on Dec 11 ....the anesthesia was a little rough on me, but than again I am very sensitive person. I have a...