Hello All, I was hoping to just get some quick insight in regards to handling some issues I have been having lately. Approx. 3 weeks ago I broke out in hives all over my body. I was given a...
So here is how it all began and I understand there are no Dr's on here but I just wanted to find out if it is possible that I have early stage Lyme from people who have been down that road. On May 5,...
Also, since it has only been a little over 3 weeks since I was bit does anyone think the 100mg is enough or should I ask for a high dose?...
Hello everyone, I had an exposure to a tick on May 5, 2012 while I was walking my dog in a wooded area. On that date I checked my self found nothing on my body but the dog had 3 and my gf had one....
It sounds like a Hiatal Hernia except my Barium swallow came back negative....
Hello and thank you for reading. Approx 3 weeks I started having symptoms similar to Acid Reflux - tightness in my chest, sensation in my throat, constant burping for relief etc. I saw my PCP who...
Thank you Bruce for responding to my post I greatly appreciate it! I certainly feel much better knowing that I am not the only one out there suffering through this. I do believe it is erosive...
Hello and thank you for reading. I began having symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux about a week ago. Since then my symptoms have become increasing worse including the tightness in my chest,...