Ides, Thanks for the reply. I am taking the anti-fungals because I have heartburn and other symptoms for a long period of time. When my doc did the upper-endoscopy, she said I had a Candida...
Sunbeam, will take a look, but carbs feed Candida....that is my problem. I had a diagnosis of it with an upper-endoscopy. Since I already had the diagnosis, not sure it makes sense for me to try a...
Nickles, Appreciate the reply and support. Definitely taking it slow is important and reintroducing things slowly as well is crucial. I feel like it is definitely necessary to reintroduce one at time...
Hello all....first post....but really thankful for this site. I posted in both forums - heartburn and this one....hopeful that someone can provide some guidance. Long story and appreciate anyone that...
Hello all....first post....but really thankful for this site. Long story and appreciate anyone that can read and help..... I've had heartburn for years....always attributed to trigger foods such as...
Hoping this thread is still active.... long story and appreciate anyone that can read and help..... I've had heartburn for years....always attributed to trigger foods such as pizza and alcohol from...