Hello, I'm a 22 yo male (23 next month) With Celiac Disease and Advanced Osteoporosis I got really sick late november and was given anti-biotics to get better. After I started taking the anti-biotics...
Any Thoughts ?...
I've also have wondered regarding my results...gasritis, delayed emptying, and celiac disease if I actually don't produce ENOUGH acid. Ive read how not having enough acid may also cause acid reflux....
Yes I have had a hida scan that came back normal for my gallbladder. At the moment only positive things ive found in studies and tests is celiac disease and gasritis with a little delayed emptying....
My doctor called me today and said my Ana blood test came back positive today. She didn't have much to say besides that she's gonna send me to a new rheumatory specialists for more tests. She said it...
I would also like to if anyone has tried it or once you do, this really interests me !...
Trapped gas after an egd can be common or even discomfort after taking laxatives for your colonoscopy. Personally I've had 3 egds and never had the gas problem but my dad did. He actually was in so...
I'm in the same boat...about 3 years ago I got some shortness of breath, burping, and left arm pain...doctors said was anxiety and was put on meds for sinusitis. Sense then the breathing has always...
Hi all ! I've posted here before but just want to update and here others peoples thoughts on the subject... I ended up getting a soar throat about 3 weeks ago that I thought was acid reflux. I would...
Ativan ! Thanks for the advice ! I haven't been on opus for 3 years, I started Prilosec probably about 2 years ago and I was on and off with it. Didn't seem to help so they tried dexilant for about 2...
Had my egd today 1. Gasritis in the body and the Antrum of the stomache 2. Otherwise normal egd 3. Decreased duodenal folds Biopsy obtained and sent to pathology. So I assume if I had gerd or reflux...
Home and still a little sleepy. My egd went fine, I'm pretty use to them by now. Said gasritis in the body and the Antrum of the stomache Otherwise normal egd besides decreased duodenal folds which...
So I saw my surgeon today, and I heard from him that everything sounds more like anxiety to him. He read all my test results and said there really isn't anything that's conclusive of me having gerd....
Hey stkitt ! I actually have been on a gluten free diet for about 2 1/2 years. It did help me essentially when I went on it! I have to say I took the news today kind of shocked, but have been trying...
No they've never done any real big heart tests on me at all. Just EKGs whenever i felt bad but my heart was always perfectly fine they said. The shortness of breath is a strange symptom and probably...
Hello ! My name is Jeff and I'm pretty new to these forums. I originally posted in the G.E.R.D Forum but after just seeing a surgeon today about Surgery obviously....He told me It sounds like...
I've been having bad gerd lately. When I woke up this morning my chest was tight and felt restricted. Mostly from my bad stomache pains. I was a little worried but as I relaxed That's when it hit....
I'm not a stressed person at all really. I was just sitting in the recliner about an hour ago reading some comics when BAM! My upper left chest where your heart is starting to sting and i started...
Thanks Aeshleyrose ! Right now I think is the hardest it has ever been for me, I had to call my doctor on call and she rushed to send out referals to see a surgeon. I just got my appointment set for...
Hello all ! My name is Jeff and I'm 21 years old. I have been suffering lately and just came across these boards and there is so much useful information! I've had gerd for about 3 years. It started...