Do you not have them anymore? I noticed sometimes when I first go to bed, if I press down lightly on my stomach, pushing it away from my chest, I dont get them. Really weird. If I dont do that, I get...
Hi there: New on the board. Hello folks. I have been feeling like crap for the last couple months. Having troubles breathing. At first all the time, but now only have meals, or a few hours later when...
Went to the doctor and he thinks I have a large hiatus hernia. Which would make sense. I seem to have positional PVCs. Meaning I usually only get them lying down, or when I am in a recliner. If I sit...
It seems I have an imbalance of vitamins/minerals in my system, could this be a cause of the PVCs?...
Hi there: I am new to the board. First a little about my issues. I am a 39 year old male, slightly overweight (but losing it now). No family history of heart disease. About 2 months ago I started...