They tested me for H. pylori through my blood, but that came back negative. Also, when they did the endoscopy, I am sure they tested me for it when they took a biopsy of the irritated area, but I've...
So we're suppose to starve ourselves? That seems healthy. Not everyone with GERD/LPR is overweight, that's a misconception. When this all started over night for me, I weighed 120 LBS, but my weight...
I have more symptoms of LPR than I do of GERD. My endoscopy came back fine, just a little tiny bit of irritation at the bottom of the esophagus, nothing major at all. I'm still taking the Zantac I...
Thank you everyone! I was so nervous going in there, but it seems that the worst part was them trying to get the IV into my hand and the oxygen burning my nose, which still burns. My surgeon said...
I would do it without anything, but I know I'd have trouble swallowing it, and then proceed to rip it out and throw it at them. lol My grandmother did that once years ago, back when they really...
Thank you both! The general surgeon told me that it was going to be general anesthesia, but maybe not after reading what you both said. Either way, it is pretty scary, but I just feel like I want to...
The big day is Thursday afternoon and I've never been this nervous in my whole life, it's to the point where it's causing my acid reflux to get worse. My doctor thinks I have GERD, pretty positive...
Is it possible? I read that you can get hives or rashes, but I'm having just random small raised skin spots popping up that itch since starting Ranitidine. One started on my collar bone and it looked...
Both my doctor and general surgeon have said that you can develop chest pains and asthma like symptoms with GERD, which is due to breathing in a little bit of the acid. I was surprised to know that...
The best thing you can do is get a scope done. If it is a hernia, they can fix it up for you and you'll feel tons better. Even with GERD you can get chest pains and breathing problems, I know I have...
My general surgeon said that you can develop asthma like symptoms with GERD. It still is scary at times, I hate feeling like I'm suffocating. I'm feeling it right now and I hate it so much....
Thank you everyone. I had an appointment with a general surgeon on Monday and I'm going to be having a scope done on August 21st. I actually can't wait, I want to get this over with and hopefully...
I've been feeling ill for 7 months and was finally diagnosed with GERD a month ago. I was prescribed liquid Ranitidine (Zantac) and it was helping at first, but since I have to work and sometimes...
My neck sometimes hurts on both sides, almost like it's bruised. When I went to my doctor, he said that it could sometimes happen with GERD sufferers....
Sometimes leaving GERD alone can cause more damage, because acid isn't a good thing in the esophagus. Someone could develop narrowing of the esophagus, esophageal ulcers, or Barrett's esophagus...
I too will sometimes get breathless after walking or it will feel like something heavy is sitting on my chest, especially when it's humid outside. I was diagnosed with GERD about a month ago and when...
Is esophagitis what the doctor said? Did they tell you what could have caused it? Have you ever suffered from on going acid reflux? I ask this, because you irritated the lining of your esophagus...
I too will get fatigue with GERD. When my doctor first diagnosed me with GERD, he thought it was something else causing my fatigue and doesn't want to believe it's the GERD. I was prescribed Zantac...
I woke up one December day feeling ill, I felt fine the days leading up to it and even the night before this all happened. When I woke up that day, I had blood in my mouth, which freaked me out. I...
I couldn't find another forum for this problem, so I'm going to stick it here. I have always suffered from horrible constipation, no matter my diet, it was always the same. Mostly because I was born...