Hey guys, just stumbled across my old blog a few years later looking up some stuff about nicotine withdrawal lol. I'm 21 now, anxiety is mostly under control. I've come too terms that it's probably...
That's exactly how mine started out man, I noted my triggers, changed my diet, and I've only had water for the past month. I was getting better for awhile, I actually went out and did things, I could...
Oh and yeah, gerdathlete, I used to eat spicy stuff all the time, never had any problem and it all just hit me one night and I've been cursed with this horrible anxiety ever since haha. Good luck to...
Glad to hear you guys are doing better, hope you keep up the recovery. As far as me, I got back from the ER a while ago. My blood pressure was like 163/ 100 something, it felt horrible. They did...
I hate that I come here worrying so much, but I just needed to get this off my chest. My symptoms have not gone away, my heart has been pounding for three days and now a vein near my temple feels...
Ahhh that sucks man, I know exactly how you feel. That's how all mine started. I was having a little pain like you were describing and I kept dwelling on it until I eventually started having panic...
Thanks man, it feels good to know you know what I'm talking about. I just picked up my first prescription of Paxal, I've been so against it, thinking I could just mind over matter my way out of this....
Hey everyone, sorry for the sudden post, I'd love if someone could reply quickly. I just checked my blood pressure and it's 153/93. Is that normal with anxiety? I'm kinda freaked out right now, and...
Thanks Mel, I honestly just came back here because some of my symptoms haven't been going away. Such as the tightness in my chest and the pain that comes along with it. I have limited resources right...
Thanks for your support everyone. And ouch, I'm sorry you've had to go through so much angelgirl, doesn't sound like fun, best of luck to you too! As far as the deep breathing, you're all right about...
Thanks guys. I haven't been to a GI doctor yet, I was told to try the Nexium or Prilosec and change my diet for a month to see if the symptoms got any better. Although I don't really notice much of a...
Hey guys, I'm new here and just seeing if you all can give me some advice. I'm 19 years old and recently suffering from GERD as of the past few weeks. My doctor put me on 40 mg Nexium once a day and...