Judy2, it's a tad bit more than an observation when time after time I get a significant allergic reaction within an hour of consuming something with cellulose. I would assume that with all the...
I am being repidative but for a reason. People with thyroid issues have digestive problems. I keep reading here about people who can't take this med or that med and they don't know why. I have lived...
Kristies, I am allergic to cellulose which is the binder in the levothroxen. There is no cellulose in Synthroid. I used to take Armour until they starting using cellulose as their binder in 09. Am on...
If you can not take PPI, if your throat, gut hurts, if you keep saying nausea, if you say I can't take that med, don't know why, if you feel liked you are a hypocondriac but you know you are not, it...
Live and learn. I have had years of unexplained reactions that come and go, medications I could not "stomach" and I few docs who rolled their eyes if not literally but figuratively. I now know, for a...
Sara, There is this thing called "secondary thyroid" or "Patuitary Thyroid". It exists. I have it. They will tell you it is rare. It isn't, if you have it. Look at Auburn U. Endocronology site....
buzz, Check your post in the thyroid section....
Buzz, I sent you the cellulose thing in the GERDs forum. The fact that you may have a thyroid issue makes you 10 more pron to cellulose, micro cellulose intolerance. really! Check out...
Many of your symptoms sound like what mine were. Try the following: read labels. If it has any form of cellulose in it. Don't consume it...pills, bread, ice cream, shredded cheeses. Zegerid OTC is...
Would that I could post some kind of definitive answer. Right now this is day by day. Check out Stop The Thyroid Maddness and microcrystalene cellulose. Armour Thyroid reformulated the binders in...
Would like to share a bit of information. Mycrocrystaline Cellulose is wood pulp. If you take a pill the chances are it's there. Eat shredded cheese, it's there. It's in ice cream. Start reading...