No problem! It was mostly information i gathered from different sources, i wish i knew that much XD I hope you feel better soon :)...
I also suffer from GERD and no heartburn. For as long as i can remember i had a chronic cough, (my 'normal' cough), and had 4 really ugly episodes in the past 5 years where i thought i was having a...
Crackers! Those have been a lifesaver for me. Also cookies dipped in milk (no chocolate chips or nuts though!) =)...
It looks like i have a pebble under my skin, almost an inch long. It looks weird :S I have heard that it's good to massage new scars, that it makes them softer. Is this true?...
Thunder of Drums, Oh my, i'm sorry that your doctor failed in giving you more information on your diet. As you may have read in other posts, diet is a fundamental part of your recovery and the...
Hello everyone! I'm now 14 days post-op and recovering just fine, so i'm now paying attention to the small details, (such as the scars!) I have 5 scars in total. 2 small ones like half an inch long,...
Hi tes! Sorry to hear you've been having a hard time with your diet. I'm only 1 week post-op and apparently I am being very lucky, because I already started eating some solids with no problem....
I'm sorry to hear that you're having a bad time :( I've always suffered from acid reflux and a variety of symptoms, but it wasn't until 5 months ago that i had the worst episodes in my life, (i'm...
I understand that coffee is highly acidic, even if decaffeinated. But, tea? What's the problem with drinking tea if i suffer from GERD?...
Hi everyone, I've been recently diagnosed with GERD caused by a congenital broadening of the GE junction that allows the acid to move freely in my system. I am now 31 and was never diagnosed properly...