My hubby went into for outpatient EDG today. The results were an ulcer all the way around the esophagus, like the inside a donut. Dr. said it wasnt from GERD, since it wasnt at the top or bottom of...
Well we just returned from the GI, he was kinda awed at why all of the sudden he started having this problem. Dr did offer to do edg tomorrow Sat, but it would have to be inpatient at hosp or wait...
Bill thanks for your response. No he hasnt had any testing to confirm, but I will be on top of this today. He is such a stubborn person and always putting the health of the children and myself before...
I actually joined this group looking for some help for my husband. For years, 10 or more, he has suffered with Gerd, well last month I got him to go to the Dr and they started him on Ranitidine 150mg...