P.S. I recently (10 days ago) started getting really painful stomach cramps which sometimes meant I need the toilet immediately other times it just hurt. For the first week my stools were loose and...
I've suffered with horrible symptoms for a decade now and have been treated using PPI's etc ever since. I cannot tell you how many times I've been back to the doctors asking for more to be done only...
Hey everyone, back again. I'm so confused about my symptoms, just wish I had a definitive answer. Although I've had this for so long, I've only just recently found out how complex the pinning down of...
Hmm, we sound alike. No I couldn't tolerate the scope. I had the option for sedation but it kinda scared me, I've read about lots about people who said they were sedated and were still fully aware of...
I never got on with gaviscon, it always made my heartburn worse. But as I said in my original message, I don't get heartburn anymore becuase the PPI's are working very well at relieving that. It's...
Hi Les, thank you for your reply. I have had two endoscopy's (described in my message as gastroscopy's), first showed H. Pylori and second I couldn't tolerate. I've mentioned the manometery test to...
Well it's 5.15am where I am and I must try to sleep...
Hi everyone, Right I'll give you the whole story. I'm 28 years old, male. Ten years ago I started suffering from heartburn and discomfort and I have been treated ever since with a variety of...