^I ocassionally had the chest discomfort that was alleviated by burping/releasing gas - does she mention that to you? Did the GI doc want to do any testing?...
Wow, glad it all worked out in the end. I take omeprazole right now 20mg and I feel it does nothing to me. I think I might step it up to Nexium....
Had the 24 hour study done... now here's an interesting way things unfolded: One week before I had the study done, I got off omeprazole... I was having episodes just days earlier, and after that, not...
Noelle3, I'll be having the 24 hour ph test this Thursday. I'm off omeprazole and I surprisingly haven't had an episode (haven't taken it since Thursday), but I'm still on ranitidine. My primary...
Hi Diaas2, Unfortunately I've already had an upper endoscopy done with no definitive findings by the doctor or biopsy. He didn't find a hiatal hernia either. Just some slight redness....
Hi Craig, Yes, I got a CBC done as well as other blood tests. Nothing stood out to the doctors: [tr style="HEIGHT: 15pt" height=20][td style="BORDER-BOTTOM: windowtext 1pt solid; BORDER-LEFT:...
Hi all, New guy here. I’ve done some lurking for the past few weeks and I was wondering if I could get some help with my situation… about three months ago I started having these episodes, which...