I've been told I need to have the wrap redone. (Taken down and redone). Has anyone had their Nissen redone?...
What would you do if you were me? I'm so confused...
Results: "the wrap is seen at the esophagogastric junction. During the course of the entire study, the patient had herniation through the wrap consistent with a small sliding hiatal hernia!" Guess...
Update- saw a new general surgeon today and I'm having an upper GI series in Radiology In the morning. Hopefully results by Friday. I hope this figures out what's going on. He found it interesting...
Thank you for the website, I will look into it. And thank you for letting me know I'm not alone, feel like it most of the time but I just keep going and try to ignore how I'm feeling. But it's...
I don't know. I'm afraid in a way but something has to be done...
We have known I have had severe reflux since 2011 hence why I am in this boat....
Hello, (Old forum name Loviedovie), I must have forgotten it and now it's Noanannuck.............. But I am just seeing everyone's replies from LAST YEAR on my situation! Thank you so much! I had no...
I have LPR with MTD which is called Muscle Tension Dydphonia and Barrett's Esophagus Disease, the reflux that is coming up into your throat is making you have MTD which is when you clear your throat...
I am new to the forum but starting to be a pro about reflux disease. I just turned 40/female etc. In early 2011 I started getting really sick and couldn't keep any good down and lost over 25 lbs in a...