I'm currently reading it and taking from the recipes. It's worth dropping the $12 bucks on, for sure. Grab it off amazon. I have a really stubborn case of LPR that essentially rules my life. I'm...
In the interest in replying for other people who might be looking at this wanting help and the update. Yeah, I've tried HCL, digestive enzymes, and Zypan. HCL was about 6 months ago and I found that...
SmbBoise, What is your water "schedule" like? I am totally at a loss about how to time drinking water. I follow a similar diet (poultry, rice, steamed veggies, fruit). I've read that you want to...
koko1- this thread reminded me of something I came across while searching for my own solution to GERD. Disclaimer: Check with your doctor before trying this. I have zero experience A: in medicine and...
Ravi- Any update on your blog?!...
Feel you on the weather. I feel like every year my health goes to s--t because of the cold/dry weather. My immune system takes a hit, seasonal depression takes hold (who am I kidding, it always has a...
Ravi- Glad to hear you've gotten a handle on GERD and your life has vastly improved! Would you mind providing a short list of asanas as well as breathing exercises in the meantime? Starting a youtube...
I personally wouldn't stop taking your PPIs. I have been taking both (lansoprasole and d-limonene). I notice a slight (and I mean slight) reduction in symptoms when I take d-limonene after meals, but...
There's got to be a way. Also seeking the answer. You mentioned dropping those seemingly obvious trigger foods...and yet, it doesn't seem to solve the problem completely. To that, I say- there has to...
Hey all- Question about effective digestion/water intake: How long before and after meals do you drink your water? (The concern being if it is affecting good stomach acid...Perhaps if you drink too...
For anyone interested in what I'm doing for more calories: I've been making these shakes! 1 1/2 cup almond milk (unsweetened) 1/2 avocado 1 banana 1 tbsp of manuka honey 2 scoops egg white protein...
QUESTON: If you had to use/make a calorie shake, which one would you use? I am looking into finding the BEST "weight gainer" shakes for GERD. I need more calories. Is whey protein bad across the...
I recommend getting Gaviscon UK. It actually does something, where the US version does nothing. It's a completely different formua. It's been getting a little better. I think when you're in sore...
Hello all! Okay, that exclamation point may be misleading...as I am not in the best of spirits due to dealing with GERD/LPR/Reflux combined with sore throat. Question: How can I get enough calories...