Can omeprazole cause bloating and presure pushing up into the diaphram?...
I have the shortness of breath, feels like something pushing up into my lungs I thought it was my hiatal hernia but this site tells me it's the reflux, also have a very tight neck and plugged ears .I...
I exersize and lift weights , how do I know what may be hurting me or making things worse with this constant bloating and breathing difficulties? I feel like I'm forcing everthing I do?...
Alcie thanks I will request a barium swallow if my gastro will , is it possible to push the stomach down ? I've heard some therapist can do this?...
I believe I have the sliding type, doc said it medium size no exact measurement I also think I have silent reflux, but no doc will explain my shortness of breath and presure below my ribs?...
Was your surgery done laproscopy, I had an inguinal surgery in 08 then in 10/12 had exploratory surgery and open to remove the mesh, right after surgery I had a very hard time breathing I'm thinking...
No docs don't think I need surgery. How did you get your stomach down, and did you exersize ? My doc hasnt give me any instructions as to what to do or don't ....
I couldn't tell you have not had the surgery my docs don't believe in my shortness of breath and bloating , had the ph bravo test and still don't know my results all I know is the performing doc who...
I have constant presure pushing up and it's hard to take a deep breath feels like a rope around my stomach restricting me. Real stiff neck muscle tension and my joints are always cracking constant...
I have similar issues loss of balance head presure tight neck and ears feel plugged and sinus problems I am near sited also and my vision gets blury haven't a clue what's going on ent says there...
Did the Nissan help the breathing?...
My gastro didn't take me off omeprazole, beginning to think he isn't familure with gerd and hiatal hernia....
Does anyone have shortnes of breath and abdominal bloating with hiatal hernia and gerd?...
I have tinnitus and my ears feel plugged , unable to pop my ears feeling a presure in my ears blowing my nose makes the presure worse I attribute it to reflux causing sinus presure do you have sinus...
Do you have bloating and does it feel like presure pushing up your throat and head what do you do for the shortness of breath? Docs say I'm breating fine it feels like something pushing my diaphram...
How do you feel with the shortness of breath and the tight feeling around the throat and chest, I can't excersise because I loose my breath?...
Thanks for your answers I thought the ent was wrong, does anyone else feel a presure pushing up the thoat and head probably my sinus and ears? And does smoking and beer really make things worse?...
Seen an ent Thursday, my complaints were shortness of breath , bloating , constant burping , difficulty swallowing , tighness in neck, ear pain and unable to pop them, and burning throat with a...
Hi any advice on what I should ask on my ent appointment. This is my second, first just blew me off. Symptoms burning throat with vapors pushing up into my throat sinuses and ears, sever bloating and...
I'm on that drug as I have neuropthy, hasnt helps me though , found neurotin helps more. I'm wondering about the vagus nerve being irritated by my hernia? I have shortness of breath weasing ,...
Six what have the docs say about your ear pain? I'm going to see a second ent how should address my symptoms with ear presure and all what I believe lpr along with severe gerd which My gastro I doing...
I had laproscopy for an inguinal hernia with co2 I believe now I had a hiatal hernia back then terrible shoulder pain and very difficult to breath constant burping like I'm feeling now but worse...
Six what side affect did you get from reglan...
Fight I have the same problems plus bloating and bowel problems and anxiety can you tell me how you resolved them. Thanks Terlin...
Isn't the hiatal hernia what causes the shortness of breath? My gi and primary doc don't take me seriously , does anyone get lite headed or dizzy and bloating like me and a constant up flow or...
Six does your face and mouth get numb at times is that what you mean by zombie? And when your ears act up do you feel like of balance and feel a pulling sensation left or right?...
Thanks for your honest answers, can anyone tell me why do the bravo test or manometry what do they prove? Doc says I have stage 3 gerd will these test show if I have lpr? Why can't they tell by...
Does anybody get bloated along with the tighness in chest it feels like I'm swallowing air or is it food not digesting causing this gas. Constant feeling of presure pushing up my throat?...
Does any body else get a sinus head presure along with the vapors pushing up the airways and an ear presure along with shortness of breath? And does anyone have a presure pushing up your throat...
I take omeprazole 40 Mgs but that dosnt help, I have gone two weeks eating nothing but oatmeal little chicken rice and salads and lactaid to drink besides water and Gatorade and still have this...
Been seeing a gastro for over a year now had colon and upper endoscopys done I have stage 3 gerd and Barrett's and a medium hiatus all he did was upped my omeprazole to 40 mg twice a day and will do...
Does anyone get a shortness of breath with neck pain at the base of the scull presure pushing up the throat and vapors pushing into the sinuses and ears causing a numbing head presure feeling dizzy...
This has been going on for over a year. Im get so bloated it hurts to sit, I mean I'm like a baloon , is it the hernia or gerd causing the shortnes of breath I get some relief lying down no relief...
Im going to have a bravo ph test in oct and in a few weeks a manometry test. I'm getting apprehensive about the tests can someone explain what the tests are like and do they hurt? I couldn't stand...
Can anyone tell me if a hiatal hernia can cause severe abdomial presure and bloating full of gas , and limiting the amount of breath you can take in?...
Both for distance can anyone tell me if gerd or hiatal hernia cause bloating or presure in your abdomin I'm full of gas top and bottom? It's hard to take a deep breath it's like pushing my diaphram up...
K-bri I have that along with head and ear presure docs think I'm crazy it's very dibilitating to me. Sinus presure and dizzieness to....
I have this extream bloating after eating very little it's hard to Breath, I feel a presure pushing up My throat , and it feels like my throat is tightning hard to swallow at times . It's a constant...
Thanks I m using an IPod haven't been able to see a computer screen 1 eye is near sited and the other is far , I hope this surgery helps 2 weeks till I get the other one done....
Thankyou , it's been difficult seeing expecialy now since I am going through cataract surgery thanks again....
I have a hiatal hernia and I'm suffering from extream bloating a presure from my stomach to my ribs I also have gerd and constant presure in my throat and feeling a presure in my ears and sinuses has...
I have read that lpr and hiatal hernia can cause breathing problems and sinus problems my doc dosnt believe that lpr exists he won't give me a referral to an ent . But im trying to figure why I'm...
Has anyone had this test done how does it feel and is it a good test for lpr or is the duel prob ph test better? Anyone can give me the pros and cons it would be greatly appriated thank you....
Do you get severely bloated?...
Can a hiatal hernia and or gerd lpr cause severe bloating and Presure in the ears? I have gas pains and presure from my groin up to chest is this normal for gerd or hiatal hernia?...
Dragon do you feel like a presure in your throat? Have you any sinus and ear presure? Your hungry and fullness symptoms seem like mine if you find something that helps let me know i will do the same....
Six do you have like a presure feeling in your head and ears? Mine helps a bit when lying down. And it seams a little easier to breath. Do you feel bloated like your injecting air? Thank you I'm...
I'm asking can hiatal hernia or lpr be pushing up my throat plugging my sinuses and ears causing a severe head ache , with severe gas in belly bloating and difficulty breathing. Been dx at u of m...
Six with your breathing problem , do You have a hiatal hernia ? Do you have severe bloating pushing up to your throat and head? I do I can't tell if it's my hernia or my lpr that's causing my...
Has anyone tried alkaline water and did it help?...