The ph /mannometry tests should have been done cold turkey and not on ppis. Gives a false test result. These sort of problems doctors don't really have answers for. They still haven't pinpointed...
Hi, I was wondering did you realise you have motility problems and have problems in food getting stuck? I have had the ph/ manometry test 3 times . The first time showed slight motility problems last...
Mr audun siggurdson at Telford or mr paul super I think is in Birmingham . I haven't used them personally but their reputation as bariatric surgeons are excellent as well as being upper gi...
Hi grovercat, Glad your feeling better! Looking forward to your updates as I have very similar problems to you including swallow problems. Regards Jamosca...
Hi Stephanie, glad to hear from you. Was wondering how you were! Regards Jamosca...
Was your doctor specialised in the nissan? How many has he done?...
Then your condition should be resolved once the h pylori is cleared up. However , I think people with h pylori have a hereditary condition or are missing some type of antibody to counteract it as in...
Have you been tested for h pylori. It's known to cause ulcers . Gastritis can be caused by acid reflux , it's like the chicken and the egg which came first?...
Hi grover cat, looking forward with interest on your updates. Could you provide us with. Background information on your symptoms and results of the tests which you have had done to diagnose your...
I think you probably have gastritis to be quite honest. If you said the second scope was all clear but your stomach hadn't been hurting then it's quite likely it was healed. I get gastritis when I...
Thank you all for your support just waiting for my letter from my consultant to come through and then see what he says ....
Yes, I have had 2 manometry, the first was showing minimal swallowing problems and a year later the condition had worsened, but I go through phases of it bring ok. Physically, I don't feel like I...
Today, I had a barium swallow but I had to eat a digestive biscuit . I know I have had swallowing problems due to gerd but the biscuit got stuck and even though I swallowed several times didn't go...
In uk now due to advance laparoscopy especially in my area, these operations are now considered day surgeries. They operate then you go home. Just have to accept this is how the nhs operates now.i...
Hi jk, just wondering about the mesh was it biological mesh which is absorbed or non absorbent mesh . I was wondering if it is non absorbent would the mesh be causing you pain? there are some...
I have just had a ph testing and my results were similar. My surgeon is still deciding on the fundoplication as I have regurgitation and non acidic reflux so he wants me to do a barium swallow . I...
Hi spike, Just wondering how you are doing with your nissan fundoplication. I am due to see mr cheruvu on Monday to discuss this operation and whether he is the right surgeon for me. Do you have any...
Hi, what don't you get a manometry and ph monitoring done. That's the standard for measuring your swallow capacity, lower esophagal spincter tightness and how much you reflux. This test usually...
You can just subscribe to the post at the top, to any of the threads and a reply will be notified to your email....
Yes a lot of your symptoms are related to your hiatal hernia and reflux. I have a lot of these problems when my hiatal hernia started but after a year they settled down but can fluctuate up and down....
Hi Kerry I would disagree with Baza slightly on the three meals a day and to tell you to eat smaller meals into maybe 5 or 6 a day. A fuller stomach causes more stress on the stomach and to eat...
Hi Kerry Sorry that no one is responding to you but you aren't asking a specific question. Everyone on here has reflux of some sort so I am it sure what you want to know. I am having my second ph...
Hi, Apart from it being uncomfortable and having a sore throat, it shouldn't cause any other discomfort. I had no problems with my testing ....
Hi bill The surgery you are referring to is the linx . If you search for linx in the forum search, some threads should come up on this procedure. quite a few people have had it done as it has been...
Is your doctor saying you havr h pylori or candida because the first is a really vicious bacteria which causes ulcers and really should be eradicated if you are affected by it....
Hi I can understand your concerns and heavy lifting can cause a weakness in the diaphragm and constant gerd can also cause les problems . It's a vicious circle. I have sent you a link on breathing...
Please don't eat hotdogs and beans if you don't want gerd. Major trigger factor. Eat less processed foods and more natural healthy foods, fruits, and veg if you don't want to be in pain. Eat your...
Yes, but it doesn't work to stop gerd. Gerd is caused by an underlying problem , h pylori, hiatal hernias, poor diets, stress......
Hi kissar I have sent a link of a girl named amy king who had h pylori, she had it really bad and describes in detail the pain and...
Hi kisser, I didn't realise from your other post that you had h pylori. H pylori can cause acid reflux so I would finish your course of antibiotics and maybe take your ppi for another week after that...
No, you need a mannometry test to test the pressure if your swallowing and the les function ,...
North Staffordshire , uk...
I shouldn't think so but you should check for h pylori as that is a major contributor to ulcers. The acid reflux could aggravate your lungs therefore contributing to asthma like symptoms....
It's best to take ppi in the morning half an hour before food regularly . Can only speak for lansoprazole but usually have no side effects from it. I find if I am really bad, nothing works anyway...
I think the calcium worry is when your son has been taking them long term as he has only just started I don't think it is an issue in their eyes. Barrett's versus ppi, I think ppi win. However if you...
Are you sure your family doctor is qualified enough to do a nissan. Ideally the surgeon should have done at least minimum 300 if not a 1,000 nissans ?...
Maybe you should give up the cannabis, there is a link between mental health problems, schizophrenia and anxiety . Heavy use is probably frying your brains and insides ......
There are long term effects of ppi but no one guarantees you long life! Quality verses quantity, want to spend 60 years on pain or have 30 years of quality life... If ppis help, well why not !...
Daxter, why don't you just continue on the Mirtazapine if it helps control your anxiety and gerd. Win-win, being on medicine for life is not really so bad if you can function quite normally . There...
Hi daxter, I think you are taking too much acid suppressants causing your stomach to be really confused and probably gone into acid overload. One time I was really bad and went to a&e and she gave me...
Hi sunny, gastritis is a terrible thing, it's when your stomach is raw inside and looks like raw hamburger which I suspect is causing the nausea . You have to take the acid suppressant in order to...
Your dose of Prilosec is OTC so the dosage is minimal, so you probably need to go to a doctor to get proper dosages . For example my doctor prescribed me 300 g of ranitidine so OTC only come on 75 g...
Hi prairie ranger A little article for you to help you decide.. Also, I think...
Make sure you get the white tiger balm, that one is specially developed for headaches but as last resort I use any colour tiger balm . You can use it on minor muscle aches and works on a stomach ache...
A heat pack round your neck , relaxes muscles , or rub tiger balm on your temples of your head. Works for me every time, the tiger balm...
Mastic gum, aloe Vera a non processed food diet....
Paracetemol ? That should help!...
Bananas with oatmeal porridge every morning with flax seed should sweep out your intestines. You must eat regularly ....
I have had some success with mastic gum which you could try from Holland& barrett . According to Greek history they have been chewing the gum of mastika for centuries to help with the digestive...
I have been on ppi for 2 years combined with ranitidine. I managed to kick the ranitidine in January cold turkey. So was left with the one ppi. I think if your stomach is strong enough, you should be...