I actually have enough to take for 30 days so I hope that should be ok? I will look into Buhner. Thank you!!! Neck and head stiffness gone. Fever gone. Rash fading. Feel a bit fluid hand tired and my...
Is amoxicillin ok? I had someone on FB tell me it's not....
Amoxicillin. 500mg. 3times a day for three weeks. Do you have a link for the herbal protocol? Thanks for responding!!!...
Hello I had what I thought was a spider bite until it turned into a bulls eye rash accompanied by fever,chills,sore neck, and fllu like symptoms. My question: did I catch it early enough to possibly...
I think I spoke with you earlier today Gondore :)...
I had the linx on Feb 21. Very satisfied with the procedure and any gerd/lpr symptoms are gone. I feel great!...
Hi Chilifries I self funded the surgery. I fought blue care network of Michigan for almost a year using Lindstrom Health Advocacy group which is provided through to torax (the linx manufacturer) The...
Thank you Dencha!...
Surgery date February 21 2014 Arrived at St Mary's hospital in Grand Rapids Michigan at 6am for 7:30am surgery. Prep went well and I met with my surgeon Dr Borresson. One of his partners, Dr Greene...