Hey Ribeo, The only time I have ever been told I had a HH was during my Bravo. Doc said between 1 and 1.5cm. I've never felt a pull or gag, but I do recall one time pulling really heavy I felt kind...
Greetings, I just wanted to share a bit of news. When I "came down" with GERD one of my biggest fears was that I was going to have to give up competitive powerlifting. I new immediately when I found...
Thanks Pat! I will do that. It would be gear if I could get them to cover any of it really. I could handle a 5k bill vs a 15k bill that's for sure!...
Thanks y'all. I started on a brutally heavy dose of Prevacid and munched on gaviscon for a couple of days. That help clear it up ALOT. I know sometimes the meds aren't ideal, but I think a lot of the...
Aight folks. Help me out here, I have all the test and paperwork to go forward with this LINX. What's the trick to getting it approved by insurance companies. I'm reading a lot about Linstrom...
Yep, from what ive read it could be your stomach pulling in air. Its 'normal' for this to happen, but it happens in excess when the LES is compromised.......
Has anyone else suffered from this? My reflux causes a debilitating brain fog. I cant focus on anything mentally, cant concentrate. Just feel plain dumb. I dont think the PPIs help at all. Anyone...
What were your physical restrictions post op? Ive talked to some people that say "nothing over 50 lbs" and others who say they have gone back to contact sports....
Greetings Healingwellians. I wanted to post my story and see how many of you all relate. As the name implies, I am (more like, was) a 29 year old competitive powerlifter. I was a big eater, strong...