One of the things that helped me was an 8 week class in MBSR- Mindfully Based Stress Reduction. It's curriculum is mostly meditation practice and a little yoga. My naturopath sent me to it. She says...
Hi QiDoc~ I had a gastric emptying test 10 days ago, and got the final results today. After 4 hours I still had 20% of my wonderful eggs, a side of radiation with toast and jam. I believe <10% is...
I realize that the Kambucha tea is fairly acidic, but I only drink small amounts at a time, using it for the probiotic benefit. My stomach is unhappy most of the time from taking the max amount of...
What insurance company is actually paying for a LINX? If I want one, it has to be out of pocket. I've exhausted all of my appeals including an external appeal. I'm now doing some research on the Hill...
I've had LPR for 2-1/2 years. Mine started after taking Fosamax for a couple of months for osteoporosis (bad genes). I coughed 24-7, full of mucus and had a leukoplakia removed from my vocal chords....
Hi All~ I've been checking this board out from time to time, while waiting for my LINX surgery to make it's way through the appeal process. Even with Lindstrom Advocacy helping, Blue Cross of...
I had pelvic surgery last year, and I was concerned about it with my fibro, but the doctor was great, made sure that I was padded well and in a (relatively) comfortable position and gave me lots of...