Hiya Gloopstar I had my op done back in Dec 13 and things have been going ok....but over the last couple of weeks I have been feeling unwell :-( lots of pain and feeling sick, when I eat I go really...
Hello I am 7 weeks into post op for LNF and I tried hoovering yesterday and it really hurt me! So I will leave off that for another week to see how it goes then. I do a lot of lifting and pulling,...
Hello would anyone know how long can I stay on liquid paracetomol 200ml / 250/5ml suspension. I was told to take 20ml - taking it every four to five hours - before it is unsafe do you think I should...
Hi Bill thank you for helping. I feel worse than I did last week. I feel sick quite a lot even when drinking a bit of water. I am concerned as I don't feel like I am getting enough of anything into...
Hi Mcedge you know when you (and others on this site) are saying 'having problems with swallowing' - does that mean you can swallow the food from your mouth and down your throat and into the food...
Hi Mcedge I seem to be able to swallow ok but then I get pains at the wrap site and into my chest and the sensation I need to burp but I can't! It feels like I am full of wind in the food pipe and I...
Hi thank you for replying I had the op on the 30th Nov. I think you messaged me last week and I do apologise if I have mentioned the same things again its just I start to panic and I need a bit of...
Hello can anyone help please. I keep feeling sick is this normal? I have some anti sickness tablets to take three times a day if required. I really did not want to take all this medication. I am on...
Hi am I posting onto the right thread re: recovering from a wrap or should I be on another one with a different title? :-)...
Hello thank you very much for replying to me. It is nice to have someone else to chat to about this. Its week two for me now and I am on soups at the moment and trying some ground rice. I was feeling...
hello how do you know if food is sat at the top of the wrap? :-)...
Hello I am from the UK and have had a LNF done last Saturday and did experience major pain I think from the gas they pump into your tum in my chest and shoulders. I am also having pain when I swallow...