Hi, Sorry to ask you, How long does each sachet powder last? I heard that it will be delivery on insulated boxes with chill packs to keep it cold, and I have to keep it in refrigerator....
Hi No Patience lower esophageal sphincter can be malfunction by acid reflux and it will make your sphincter loose a little. Loosing weight of all your body and specially your belly as to slim it, it...
Hi, bluesax7 I did breath test as well as it came negative but I also did given my stool sample on the next day, as for stool sample cam positive, I had to go through antibiotics course again. Breath...
Hi bluesax7 Have you been tested for H.pylori as Helicobacteria? If not, best for you to take a stool sample as in tube and give it to your GP. H.pylori does creates GERD Temporary....
Hi tela44, It could be that you aren't eating well for energy, as fiber, protein, Iron. Its best to see a GP Doctor, to make you a appointment for a blood test....
Hi PhilParker Best to see your GP Doctor, to ask for test tube sample for h.pylori! it connect to it...
Symptoms will come as slowly! not rapidly!...
Please also get test in GP for sample tube test for h.pylori!...
Hi, Rose91 you throat is not damaged! you might have a sore throat cause of acid reflux...
Hi, it depends on a person, for me it took 2 weeks completely of the PPI Side effects, but now its been 4 months and I am healed! I can eat anything much better than being in stupid PPI! take it...
Hi, When I was treated with antibiotics for h.pylori because of acid reflux, it took while to heal my body, when I got ride the h.pylori, I still had food coming to my throat but not as much, but in...
H Pylori Increases Stomach Acid...
Bad smell is could be from h.pylori and darker brown. For bad appetite, it takes time to loose it of h.pylori as it happen to me that symptoms got stronger and I lost my appetite completely. Do the...
Hi Cateyes18, You can go to GP Receptionist, and ask for Stool test tube, you do need to inform your GP Doctor as well that you wish to do stool test tube, so she can be aware of it. Sorry to ask you...
Hi nimon66 Have you been tested for h.pylori?...
Hi, Cateyes18 Have you been tested for Helicobacteria Pylori by any chance?...
I was off PPI for a month when I had h.pylori, it takes time for PPI for wear off, it needs time! Because PPI can give a false test when doing for h.pylori test. That's why!...
Hi, H.pylori created Acid reflux for temporary, when you take your antibiotics and eliminate the h.pylori, your acid reflux will go away as slowly will decrease. When you take antibiotics, your good...
Alliedi you need to go back to your Doctor again, ask for stool sample to retest if you still have h.pylori. Because h.pylori can create GERD, it takes time to heal as well....
Hi mernzy They won't sedate you, because you are going home by yourself, its so easy!...
Hi mernzy Listen, you must not say no or give up on manometry, it will be a little uncomfortable for couple sec but than you won't feel anything, he will than give you a water to drink it, but you...
Hi Lenny Please don't post new topic, use your old topic as update please! thanks...
Sorry forgot to ask you, how is your appetite, have you lost you appetite? Because H.pylori can effect that, if you don't have it that's a good thing, but also having antibiotics, you might become a...
White tongue as Thrush can be related to Antibiotics and even bacteria. When you finish your medication, you can try to stop any food that is related to yeast, like bread the most, brush and...
Sorry I forgot to ask you, do you have white tongue?...
1. Eliminate H.pylori, as completely with 2 or 3 times stool sample again to be sure that is gone, because sometimes in first course antibiotics won't work, than they put you on quadruple therapy...
Hi, I never said you don't have GERD bu you do have GERD because of H.pylori that triggered, but when treating with antibiotics, your GERD well eventually disappear for quite while. You see you do...
I wish you best luck on your antibiotics! be strong...
Hi, Its good to hear your H.pylori is good! Yes stool test its very important to be sure that H.pylori that is gone completely. You see as I did Breathing test, it was negative but when I send my...
Hi, You are in standard Antibiotics for the moment, it mean you are taking early morning and late evening. Because you might have not realized that you have h.pylori at all, some people have symptoms...
First of all concentrate on killing h.pylori first, because that is the most highest priority at the moment. How many antibiotics are you taking a daily? Second, Can I ask as you stated that you are...
Hi, Welcome to Healingwell Forums! You see H.pylori can increase your Acid level very very high, and it produces as acid reflux as GERD, but when you eliminate the H.pylori, your acid level will go...
Hi Elle86, If you feel bloated, have natural yogurt with probiotics in it, it helps alot to eliminate. Does PPI helping you at all? For (Irritable bowel syndrome)Try Enzyme Digest with Betaine HCI...
Hi Barry, I am sorry, I think the post went all the way down, did not seen it. I had my Manometry and 24 Monitoring, now I just have to wait when I see my GI as he explained that he will send those...
Hi CAGU, I stopped taking Lanzoproloze as PPI on middle of September this year until now, I was taking 30mg morning and evening as total 60mg a day, but I stopped it, I did not reduced the PPI at...
24-hour pH monitoring Test allows to measure the amount and severity of acidic stomach contents that maybe leaking-up from the stomach into the esophagus. These measurements are taken for a 24-hour...
Dear Friends, I just want to update of my Manometry & 24-hour pH monitoring. Today at 09:45 am I have seen by the Doctor who explained me the Manometry & 24-hour pH monitoring, he used a spray in my...
Hi Ranjith May I ask have you done stool sample again to see if its negative, I done twice to be sure and its negative. If you have bloating, have a lot of Yogurt that has a very high Probiotics in...
I also have extra saliva! don't worry you are not alone!...
Sorry to ask you, if you have stress and depression it can be related to your stomach acid that it producing more because of your stress, you need to learn how to control it!...
My pleasure! update me!...
Hi, May I ask, have you been tested it for h.pylori? How is your appetite? Do you have any smelly in your mouth? Has your poo been changed in different color as black and smell! Have you had...
I forgot to mentioned that I have Manometry and 24 ph monitoring tomorrow!...
Hi, Past 7 months I was able cure my h.pylori with 3 different antibiotics course, last one was quadruple therapy course. I had 2 negative on my stool and it changed completely as normal. I also had...
Hi Soraya I am sorry but I can't give you the answer that I don't know, you need to do Manometry and ph 24 monitoring to see your lower esophageal sphincter how it is!...
Well it happens to a normal person as overweight or average, if drinks alot of fizzy drinks and chocolates and spicy foods, even from h.pylori, also from stress and depression as it causes acid...
ferrous sulphate are iron supplements that you are taking because you are iron is slow right? It doesn't cause it but you know you can have spinach, it has a high iron it and doesn't even cause acid...
Hi, Yes it can cause acid reflux from lyme disease but also can be caused by antibiotics as well but if you have h.pylori it needs to be cleared with antibiotics by anyhow, if lifted untreated it can...
HI, nice to meet you! May I ask what kind of bacteria infections did you had? Is it h.pylori?...