Hi Chartreux Thanx for yr reply, i have my symptom's embedded in my brain, ha ha! No i'm not laughing wish i could.I have to give this guy the benefit of the doubt as this is the first time i have...
Hi i am going to see a gastroenterologist next week, however my concerns are that hernias are quite often missed via an endoscopy, can i request a barium test as i've read that there moe effective.I...
I would also like to add that a very close friend had removal of two hernia's, they were lump's mine is not the same my symptom's relate to sliding hernia.It's to do with the upper abdomen and the...
No! I've been on Lansparole for about a yr.No change i am not sick or have indigestion, the excruiating pain is there 24\7.I have been told i have blockages, however when i eat , drink and especially...
Any information on Hiatus Hernia please. :confused:...
[list]*strangulation, tightness, upper abdomen under ribcage.I suspect it could be a hernia?pain never goes until i lay down to sleep.Tried cutting out all food's i eat but no relief.Had thos for...