Hi I'm saria I'm 25 and I just need ppl to talk to that can relate to what I've been going though the beginning of last year I had a panic attack and I had symptoms that lasted 2 months all day...
So I went to the kaiser er today I had a chest xray done and an ekg everything checked out fine the doctor thinks that I sprained or pulled a chest muscle considering how much I do at work give me...
I'm 25 I excerise everyday and thank you I will take that advice...
I had my last ekg last year on my birthday March 13 everything was good...
The chest pain is about the same I do have some mild heartburn my doctor have me pepcid for it but I stopped taking it a few days ago because I didn't like the side effects I'm thinking of taking a...
About 4 hours ago I got some some chest tightning out of no where while I was sitting at work it hurts when I breathe and try to yawn or take deep breathes and laying down makes it hurt more I can...
Hello last Sunday I started feeling a burning feeling in my stomach and chest I drank some milk and it went away then a few days later it came back and I went to the doctor and told her and she gave...
Hello I've been having some stomach burning so my doctor gave me some pepcid I took one last night and a while later my heart started skipping beats it didn't stop until I went to sleep and it's...