Hi thanks for replying, I've had larynxscopy in Feb and ent said it was fine no red or nothing, think it might b now tho!! And ad endoscopy and gastro said I ad mild gastritis but when I said to him...
Hi there everyone, I wonder if anyone else has this symptom? A feeling like hair is in ur throat?? I have lpr not actually been diagnosed but had it for a year in which time I've done 4 peptest 2...
Hi eerie, thankyou for the link, I'm currently on anti depressants cos my gastro thought it may b nerve problems, unfortunately they avent touched me, mine is kinda like a fluttery feeling in my...
Hi there, I also have the awful lpr, never actually been diagnosed but have very high pepsin levels after doing the saliva peptest a few times now..I've seen ent doc and ad camera thingy he said was...