I stopped because I tried every protocol that he had suggested. My last was IV antibiotics, which was basically his last attempt at using abx with me. Even though over the time of Abx treatment I saw...
Hi, Thanks for the feedback. I am not being clear on the history. He did not set timelines of 1.5 years. That is just the total amount of time I was on Abx. Each Abx protocol was a different length...
Wow, you are all wonderful with quick and great information. The reason treatment stopped was because I completed full courses of all of the Abx treatments that were prescribed. I was seen by a very...
Hello, I received my lab results back from Armin Labs. Please note that 7 years ago I tested positive through Igenex and had abx treatment for 1.5 years, including IV from an LLND. I was functioning...
This is extremely helpful information. Thank you. I am seeing a Naturopath tomorrow and will be glad to have some support from a diet and supplement standpoint. Instead of just getting a bottle of...
Hi. I was diagnosed with silent reflux due to using a CPAP device 1.5 months ago. I have never had heartburn in my life and the ENT spent about one minute examine me and putting a scope down my...