I am doing all of those things at night. The cause of these symptoms all started with a huge meal of fried chicken and rice, and pizza during the day. (Note: I have eaten huge unhealthy meals like...
Depends what kind of medicine you use. Medicine like Zantac (ranitidine) should work within the hour. Medicine like Gaviscon should work instantly. PPIs like Prilosec and Protonix should work within...
Omeprazole and pantprazole are essentially the same, no? So if I keep taking my pantoprazole I will be fine in the long term?...
My acid reflux symptoms started a week ago which involved heartburn, burping, nausea. I went to the doctor and he prescribed me pantoprazole 40mg a day. Now I take it every morning before my first...
Hello, I've been prescribed with protonix a couple days ago and I heard it takes a while to fully kick in. Could I take zantac at night (to get sleep) and protonix in the morning while waiting for...