Hey all. Just an update on my condition. My symptoms were not getting better. In fact they seemed to get worse. After another trip to the ER, and nothing found with my heart, my Gastroenterologist...
I did finally get the Endoscopy. I was told I have Gastritis near the lower part of my stomach. I was told to go on a high fiber diet and that that would hopefully assist in it healing. As of now my...
Not yet. I have one scheduled for next Wednesday. Here's hoping they can figure this out....
Thanks for the quick response! Glad to know its not just me. Is it normal to get flare ups at random times? I seem to get the works pain hours after I eat instead if recently after....
Hi All. I just want to see if other people with GERD are having the same symptoms as me. At times I have a sharp pain right below my breast bone, usually followed by a burning feeling in my lower...