thanks alice and jim... i had my swallow done and discovered i didn't have a hiatal hernia...but just some damage done by GERD. the doc told me to double up on the omeprazole (40mg per day) and to...
One thing I've learned from having GERD is that you can't casually slip up on your diet. Pissing off your stomach leads to esophageal injury which can take a few weeks to heal. If you're going to do...
So, I have had a cluster of symptoms that could be anything from cancer to a hiatal hernia...and since they never get "worse" and only seem to come and go randomly, I'm going with the hernia at this...
If it were me, I would be doing exactly what you have been doing...seeking as many ways to alleviate the problem without surgery as possible. After having read about the surgery, it sounds like the...