I was completely fine on omneprazole but I switched to lansoprazole because of an insurance changed. Lansoprazole completely destroyed all my stomach acid leading to Migraines, Malabsorption,...
So I got the Heidelberg test. Lo and behold, I have obviously low stomach acid. Started a regiment of probiotics, HCL and enzymes. They seem to be helping. I still have the burn occasionally when I...
You might have low stomach acid due to low term ppi use. Can mimic High stomach acid. I just recently made switch from ppi to Betaine HCL....
I'm doing better cutting out the carbs and using Betaine HCL. LES closes up when eating and digestion is much faster than before. Food is not sitting there irritating the gastritis....
Hi Law, so my colonoscopy came out as expected. No bad disease but 3 polyps and some diverticulam that wasn't a surprise due to amount of red wine and red meat Ive eaten over the years. I've dropped...
Had to switch from omneprozole to lansoprozale because of insurance. Lansoprozale completely ruined me. Migraines popped up when I never had headaches I'm my life. Acne and stool color/smell changed....
Thanks for the reply EJohn I just took 3 for a turkey sandwich. No change. May up to 6 with my next meal. Bloating is unreal and symptoms are worsening by the day. Is there anything that's...
Question on this supplement. Let me give a little background first. Over two years ago, I was eating poorly and drinking alot of alcohol. It was around the holiday season of course. I developed a...
Update: Took a Betaine HCL pill with a heavy breakfast....meaning a breakfast burrito with egg and pork which normally would set me off. I took a risk. My stomach did not burn up! I think I might be...
OK, well I think I'm over the rebound hump as I don't get burning in my chest anymore. But I'm back to square one. The lansoprozale really screwed me up. I'm again having signs of low stomach acid as...
Nope, haven't tried Pepcid/Famotidine. I might as I know I'm not over the hump. I braved pizza last night. Wasn't a good idea. Lime turns alkaline in your stomach when its warmed. Carbonation didn't...
Hi Law. I'm with ya neck and neck on this. This is my fifth week off lansoprozole. I stopped zantac on 5/28 as it was making me short of breath and dizzy. Too be honest I don't feel much of a...
Got a question on this one. I stopped taking lansoprozale 30mg a day on 4/30/16. Still feeling rebound at a little over 3 weeks. 150 mg Zantac twice a day has helped out. My chest and throat has...