Hi Mark, Thanks again for your replies, i think its hard not to worry as im sure you know. the chest pain has stuck around for the last day or so with no relief thats why i was a bit concerned. I did...
Hi, I am experiencing constant chest tightness and heavy ache at the site where i had my hiatal hernia repair, at first i didn't have this but it has come on 10 days in? has anyone experienced this...
Hi, Im posting again as today i have been worried that my hernia may of failed. I am getting some chest pain at the site of where my hernia was repaired and i am worried. Can anyone else lend any...
Hi Mark, Another question if you are able to answer, I've had some pain at the sight of the where the hernia was? is this normal? obviously im panicking about this as i dont want my symtoms to re...
Thanks Mark! Matt....
Mark, This is great advice, when im able to eat a more substantial diet im definitely going to look at a healthier way of life. I think at the moment thats exactly what im craving is the protein....
Hi Mark, Thanks for your comment! Thats helped put my mind at ease slightly. When you have had something for so long you forget what its like to not have it! I will try to give it time and allow my...
Hi Alcie, I dont have a follow up for about 4 to 6 weeks but i have only been out of surgery a couple of days so very early stages of recovery. I am however still getting the globus feeling in the...
Hi All, I recently had my nissen fundoplication a few days ago. i do not currently have the heartburn in the middle of my chest that i was experiencing but has anyone had a strange pressure feeling...