Of course they can, but that is not the kind of palpitations I am talking about....
Sharon, again, it has NOTHING to do with anxiety. As my gastroenterologist explained and as I have also read from many others, the vagus nerve can get irritated with acid reflux. A cardiologist can't...
You are welcome. Stay away from all sugar, especially refined sugar, and caffeine - it helps a lot!...
It has nothing to do with anxiety. From what I have read from other sites, the vagus nerve can get irritated which then causes the electric feeling. My GERD doctor recognized the description, but I...
Yes, I have had back pain as well. Between the shoulder blades but also middle and lower back pain....
Hi everyone! I was recently diagnosed with GERD and have been sick ever since. I don't have much issue with heartburn or even acid reflux, but instead intense heart palpitations and an awful feeling...