I've only takint anavar 50mg for like 3 weeks , rhe tamoxifen was for post cycle to get my hormones back to Normal,...
Hey guys I need some urgent help and good information ! I have very thick hair , always have done , I started taking an oral steroid , and within 3 weeks I noticed my hair thinning and falling out ,...
I had a checkup at the dentist last week and they said everything is good , but I know. My breath is bad because people always touching there nose, this makes me so depressed as I know people look at...
Had a an endoscopy about a year ago, an they found a 4 cm hiatus hernia, is actually labled mixed hiatus hernia what I found out today from the doctors , what else could possibly causing my bad...
Yes I have been on lanzoprole 30 mg for two years , then now I have changed on 40 mg omeprozole and now just reduced. To 20 mg last month!...
Guys I am calling out anyone for help, I am 22 years of age, I severely depressed due to my hiatus hernia, I feel so alone and would love some help or advice ! No one understands , I used to be so...