OK it has been since July 10, 2018 when I had my wrap done, its now coming up on 5 months and all my symptoms are back just the same and I am on the same meds, just did barium swallow test and said I...
Just an update, still taking dexilant and I did what SharonZ has recommended, going back to soft diet for a bit, and I am feeling much better, my advice is if you are still refluxing post op, you...
So please tell me what I am feeling is normal and I will be sure to keep everyone updated. Thanks...
Been doing some reading, is it possible everything is still swollen this far along and how long does the swelling usually last?...
i'm still doing what Dr said, no bread, she let me try red sauce last week no problems, other than that, diet still same. I'm having terrible heart burn sensation today, lot of pain. thought i was...
ok i'm now 5 1/2 weeks post op, still on Dexilant, this morning woke up choking on acid like before surgery and still have horrible acidic taste in my mouth, like before surgery, is this normal?...
Definitely do the EGD, its no biggie, I have had 3 of them, they give you twilight drug, I was out for about 15 mins each time, really no big deal. It's better safe than sorry. Have you done barium...
Thanks, I just wanted to make sure I didn't have a failure on my hands and I will keep checking in....
no one? nothing?...
this is the one I am on: http://www.upmc.com/patients-visitors/education/nutrition/pages/diet-after-nissen-fundoplication-surgery.aspx...
Hello all, I just had my Nissen Fundloplication July 10, 2018, so that makes me little shy of 4 weeks post op. as of last week I started getting the bad bitter acid taste back in my mouth and will...