Karen ; I didn't know you had white coat syndrome, maybe I missed something Did you seek therapy or should i ask that. I only want to know if it helped you. And how do they go about helping someone...
Are there professional people with this forum..just curious ....I've heard sometimes on message boards and forums professional people are willing to make suggestions. Doctors, psychologists, nurses...
thanks TD E 44 I"ll try it....
thanks sharon. Yes I'm doing that, but sometimes I'd like a sandwich with chicken or turkey, and I thought there's a bread that is compatible for people with heartburn. I've had a little luck with...
sorry to bother you again. I hate to be pest so forgive me. If there is anyone that can give me a diet to follow during the day.? I 've been following one a little and it's been doing OK. I 've been...
Help..... I keep being told so many conflicting things and contradictions re; a diet for acid reflux I need someone to tell me what I can eat. I need to know what type of bread is there for...
My anxiety is compounded by phobias. Due to bad experiences with doctors i have more then the white coat syndrome....I wish I could shake this fear. I know you're going to say go to a therapist.....
I'm sorry that you're having sleep problems. I understand more then 2 days loss of sleep is not good. Please see a doctor. Maybe the first thing he/she will do is to give you some sort of medication...
Sharon thanks for the reply. But you said surgery. God now I'm really worried. No I haven't done any of those things re; endoscopy etc I don't want to hear what they'll say. I keep getting...
I not only have a problem with heartburn it' s also extreme anxiety. I 've been told that I'll have to live with this not be able to eat things I like. They painted a picture of horrible treatments...
Cup of tea; thank you for your comments. I too, never thought of these things as a young person. I went to doctors, I can't say I enjoyed going but I did ...It isn't death I"m afraid of it's illness...
all I can think of to say is re; info...... about 18 yrs. ago my elderly aunt. who was a widow without children had to go to the nursing home she was in dementia. (not Alzheimer's everything is...
thanks Karen ..I know this doesn't mean anything, but Karen is my daughter's name. for some reason I just wanted to mention it. You said I"m not explaining much , so I guess I"m not sure what that...
thanks for your comments re; phobias. Maybe therapy with some people help. I may try it, my white coat syndrome is due to bad experiences misdiagnosis.etc. Not only me family and friends. medical...
Please don't misunderstand this post. I'm looking for comments. I hope I don't sound foolish. Please believe me I'm a rational intelligent person. I lost my husband just 2 yrs. ago. I was with him...
anyone know anything about phobias. thanks...