Barium swallow was normal. Wrap appears to be in tact. Where is the acid coming from then? Retained food, lactic acid? Why is there no bad taste to it?...
It took me a long time to get my surgery. My combination of Gerd and LPR did a huge amount of damage especially orally. Dental erosion, soft tissue damage, ongoing mucus and post nasal drip. The...
Surgeon said he would not perform surgery on me based on my tests. He said there was every chance it doesn't fix the problem and I have new symptoms (ie. gas bloat) on top of them. Despairing now and...
Summarise: Long term managed GERD for years on a pill a day (Pantoprazole). Didn't matter when I took the pill. If I forgot to take it, I'd get a small amount of heartburn after a few days and/or...