Oddly enough I am having the exact same symptoms. Mainly worse at night..I even skipped dinner to see if it would be better tonight but as I sit here typing this I feel a mild burning sensation in my...
I dont know if I have LPR or not Dave but I do get the excess saliva, especially with my recent flare up.....
Cannabis ie. With THC or without.. I have some CBD oil and maybe I should give it a go....
I also dont get any heart burn symptoms.. I burp and that's it..my throat burns at the back sometimes after I eat and is sore but I dont ever taste acid or anything else like I have in the...
Does anyone also get the feeling off butterflies with their stomach pains? I usually have this feeling at night and in the morning..the pains aren't severe more like a dull burn ....
Hi Shsron, Last endoscopy was about 2 years ago and I believe they found nothing. I had issues swallowing at the time and a very small appetite ...no bloating or issues sleeping etc... I've been...
On a side note. Has anyone ever tried osteopathy for their stomach issues??...
Thanks very much for your responses!...
Oddly enough I forgot to mention I had been diagnosed with EoE however they neve really did more for me reading that...is EoE cause by food sensitivity or food allergies?? Seasonal allergies?? How...
Hi there! New to the forum. I am a 36 year old male from Canada.I was diagnosed a long time ago with having gerd. Heartburn was the main culprit that only really bothered me. It seemed to have...