yea i know iam goin carzy and the more i look up things on the interent the more i think i have. thanks so much iam made an doctor app for next week cuase that when he could fit me in thanks so much....
please help me out...
are a tumor that is pressing on the heart...
hi there just wondering if you have a echo on your heart can you see if the lympo nodes are sowllen aroung the heart...
yea iam going to go see one. you really think that sugar and other prouducts could be doing this, wow i never thought of that. sometimes I get very itchy to. had blood tests to see if it was anything...
hI OK well i have been having chest pains like a shapring feeling or even a pressure feeling in my chest, freaking out a little bit not knowing whats going on. I have been to the doctor and have...