I was born with a congenital hiatel hernia. As a child I complained of 'breathing problems' and fullness all of the time. I used say 'my heart feels funny.' I never told my symptoms to the dr., but...
I'm also trying to wean off the PPI's and am having enormous difficulty. I experienced really bad side effects on lanzaprazole-- extreme fatigue and migraines (and I never get headaches.) Spent...
I've actually lost wait since I started taking proton pump inhibitors. I eat loads, but no longer have that acid feeling that I used to think was constant hunger even when I was full. I haven't taken...
I also have chronic reflux due to a congenital hiatel hernia. I haven't been tested properly for allergies, but three years ago an endoscopy showed chronic gastritis which seems to get better and...
I was prescribed carafate after having several stomach biopsies done, and apparently fell into the small percentage who experiences an adverse effect. I also have Gerd and a history of severe throat...