Hi Joy No I am right handed. I was surprised why the left little finger was the worst so all I can gather is that it has nothing to do with use of that finger. Meaning any finger is likely to be...
Hi Another update ! I had to ring the Admin again and say "I am waiting on new report if you cant give it to me I will get my Dr to ring you " The report was done the next day ! I have to go and pick...
Hi again Bit of an update. I found my old Xrays from Jan 2009 and not too bad showed OA in fingers Xrays : July 2009 now mentions Erosive arthritis. So I then remembered I had gone to the...
Hello My GP Dr is away this week and just happened to get the Xray done whilst he was on leave. Ye I thought also if you have erosive OA its always there. I did see a Rhumetologist about a year ago...
Hello The last time I had an Xray of my fingers it showed erosive arthritis but the latest Xray didnt state erosive arthritis. Does it come and go erosive OA? This is the latest Xray...