@Christine1946 For Example, if you were 3.0 & after Protelos you became 2.0 then the real result should be 2.5.......
@Christine1946 Take Strontium Raneltae (protelos) but consider that fake result to calculate your real result.......
@Christine1946 I'm so sorry for you.... What happened to you is similar to mine.... My former GI didn't gave me Calcium or told me that prednison would affect my bones, He even gave me high dosage...
@lookforcure Do you know somewhere to buy Terramin clay from.......
@ddd45 It's the same machine.......
@BabeintheWoods This's One Alf supplement http://www.doctoralia.co.uk/medication/one-alpha-9584 I did Vitamin D test one year ago.... I'll do it again.......
Thank you Red_34.... I appreciate your help :)...
Please review my old post here.... http://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=38&m=1978919 Hello there, I'm Mohamed & I've 26 years old. I've Ulcerative Colitis, I took Prednison as a...
@ HeptacampeĆ¢o I really appreciate your clear response, I took your advice and have not taken it & won't do it.... Despite my Orthopedic doctor knows I've UC & I remembered him too while writing down...
I want the answer of the same questions too :).... I've a pain in my back because of Prednison Inducted Osteoporosis and my doctor prescribed me Mobitil/Meloxicam.... Should I take it????...
Oh, I'm so sorry for you.... You'll be better soon :).... I'm taking Strontium Ranelate (Protelos), it's better than Bisphosphonates especially for us who have IBD problems in addition to it...
Hey stkitt, Thanks for your reply :).... I did a search and I found this link http://www.bonehealthforlife.org.au/health-professionals/investigations/dxa...
Hi, I just wanted to say I did another DXA.... It showed an increase in spine by %10 in six months with T-Score between -3.6 & -4.4 ((it could be between -3.7 & -4.5 because of the Protelos affect on...
@stkitt yes they did, Thanks for them. About Prednison, when you take it for long-term, you should at least use Bone Builder to less the bone loss which wasn't happened with me :).... Thank you...
@Ides, So I need to do the DEXA scan again after six months of treatment, this means after another three months....
@ides.... Thanks for your reply, I'm taking Protelos instead of Bisphosphonates because of its side effects that I can't manage if it's happened. Protelos is a strontium ranelate, and it builds not...
What ever happens I'll not take that poison called prednison again.... Now I'm taking Protelos for almost three months ((28+28+26 Days)) without Setroid. What do you mean of my spine may or not...
Hello there, I'm Mohamed & I've 25 years old. I've Ulcerative Colitis and I took for it Prednison for over two years with dosage between 15mg and 60mg without Bones Supplements like calcium or Bone...
I'm sorry for you.... About the bone builder you'll use like Boniva, My opinion is to look further about the side effects of these group of bisphosphonates.......
First of all sorry for the late reply but I was waiting my scan results.... Merry Christmas :wink: My scan results were too bad, the density of the spine is %56, %59 for the hip and %88 for the...
Hey, Thanks for your welcome and replying me :).... I'm going to do the scan this week. I'm taking calcium 2000mg daily with 2000IU Vit D3.... Also Ossopan800 twice a day.... The doctor prescribed me...
Hi, I'm Mohamed, I'm 24 and have UC for two years. My Dr. told me that I got osteoporosis as a side effect of high dosage of prednisone I took on last July "60mg".... Now I'm taking 5mg. My question...